bikini girl with gun

The newest tactic of sleazy debt collectors involves trickery, deception and pictures of hot bikini babes. Welcome to the world of undercover debt collection, where debt collectors pose as hot young girls in bikinis to get you to friend them. When you accept their invitation, then they post on your timeline that they are a debt collector, publicly humiliating you to get you to pay a debt.

U.S. regulators including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Federal Trade Commission are looking into this very issue for 2013 as they impose federal oversight of the debt collection industry for the first time. The CFPB especially has made debt collection a priority as 30 million Americans, or 1 in 10 people are being pursued by these collectors.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is the federal law used to regulate debt collectors. But it was written in 1978, well before the advent of social media. The law is unclear on how Facebook, Twitter and other sites can be used legally. Debt collector’s use of these media may violate the restrictions of contacting consumers under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

The harassment of consumers is growing every year, and people need to know that they have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This federal consumer law prevents debt collectors from using abusive, unfair or deceptive practices. If a debt collector is found to be in violation, the law (“FDCPA”) allows you to sue the collector, stop the calls and get paid damages (up to $1,000 or actual damages) plus all of your attorney costs are covered. We, at Michigan Consumer Credit Lawyers, represent you for free. We fight the debt collectors that wish to harass and intimidate consumers. The consumer walks away with a measure of justice and a check from the debt collector.


If you have been victimized by a debt collector or have items on your credit report that are incorrect, call or email Attorney Gary Nitzkin at [email protected] for a free consultation at (888) 293-2882.