Its not a matter of IF your identity will be stolen, but only a matter of WHEN. When your identity is stolen, the bad guy usually takes control of your credit cards and/or bank accounts. Dealing with the banks is a very unpleasant experience. As identity theft lawyers, we have repeatedly sued Citibank, American Express and Bank of America because they really don’t care that your identity has been stolen. They just want to get paid, even if you did not incur the debt. So here is how you fight back. As ID Theft Lawyers, we represent victims of identity theft at no out of pocket charge to them. We make the bad guys pay our fees and costs.
Don’t Pay Debts that are not Yours
You should never pay a debt that is not yours. It’s not fair. The law gives you rights which you can use to fight back. But to preserve your credit, you should still pay the minimum monthly payment on your account until the dispute is resolved.
Steps to take now if your identity has been stolen.
If you are a victim of identity theft, here are the steps you should take right now:
- Get a copy of your credit reports from com. This is the government sanctioned website that the credit reporting agencies have set up that allow you to get an official copy of your credit reports. After COVID, this site allows you to pull your credit reports at least monthly.
- Review your credit reports and identify anything that does not belong to you. This includes not only accounts that a fraudster opened in your name, but any names, address and phone numbers that do not belong to you.
- Get a police report. Take your credit reports to your local police department and get a police report. Do not take “no” for an answer. Sometimes, the police will refuse to make a report for such things, but you should insist on making one. This report will be used as evidence to support your claim for identity theft.
- Call us at Credit Repair Lawyers of America. We will tell you your rights and map out a game plan for cleaning up your credit report. As seasoned ID theft lawyers, we know how to get fraudulent information on your credit reports removed, especially when the credit bureaus or lenders refuse to do so. We will write your dispute letter for you and handle everything for you at no out of pocket charge to you. We make the banks pay our fees and costs as part of our services to you.
Caution: Dealing with the banks is not a good do it yourself project. The banks get a large stream of these disputes and they regularly fight them. When consumers fight them on their own, they typically lose. Let us fight for you at no out of pocket charge.
Call us at Michigan Consumer Credit Lawyers at (248) 353-2882 for a free, no obligation consultation. Talk with an Identity Theft attorney today to learn your rights and get free advice. If you have a good case, we will not charge you anything out of pocket to pursue your claim and get your credit report cleaned up. You can also visit us at for more information or email me, ID Theft Attorney Gary Nitzkin at [email protected]
Attorney Gary Nitzkin
(248) 353-2882